Flowers, Garden, How to

How to water plants while away


What about your plants or your garden when you go on vacation? Holidays and plants don’t get along very well. So, let’s see how to water plants while away.

Prepare your garden for your absence

Watering is going to be absolutely essential. The first thing you have to do for your garden before leaving on vacation is to water everything very deeply. You can also move your flower pots into the shade. Don’t worry, even sun loving plants will be ok in the shade for a few days.

String watering system

For this watering method we will need a cotton cord and a container with water. We will have to put the container at a higher height than the pot we want to water and the cord from the pot to the pot. The thread will moisten the soil as the plant needs it for days and days. Just remember to use a container filled with water appropriate for your plant’s size. It is ideal even for the high temperatures of August, for a trip of up to 3 days.

how to water plants while away
how to water plants while away

Drip watering system

For this method you need to start with a clean and empty plastic bottle. If your flower pot is small to medium, a water bottle will work just fine. Drill several drainage holes into the bottle close to the top. After this, fill the plastic bottle with water, turn it over and plunge it into the first few inches of soil in the pot. Make sure the bottle is not too close to your plant because you don’t want to damage the roots. Also make sure that the bottle is deep enough that the soil covers the holes. The water will slowly leak out of the bottle as the soil dries out.

how to water plants while away

Olla watering system

The third method on how to water plants while away, is the olla watering system. In order to make this efficient, we need a terracota container. The container will be buried in the soil, taking care to leave only the opening on top visible above the soil surface. Then it will be filled with water. The porous walls of the olla allow for water to dissipate into the soil as needed.

The conclusion is that if you want your plants to stay healthy and in good condition while you’re away from home, you can choose between several methods on how to water plants while away and see which one is the best for you. Good luck with your plants and have a nice holiday! 🙂

Photos via Pinterest.

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